Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Don't Tell Me Not To Swear

in the begining i had planned to write an entertaining, funny, poem using every swear word i could think of and was going to call it "The Cuss Poem" but as you can tell thats not how it ended up, so i revised and made it into more of a bitchy im pissed kind of poem, lol, so enjoy. :D

Don't tell me not to swear
cuz i don't give a shit
I don't care how fuckin mad you are
you can throw a fuckin fit
your stupid ass reasons
and your god damn lies
tell me not to fuckin swear
look in my fuckin eyes
I'll tell you
fuck you, you fuckin slut
you fuckin swear
so suck a fuckin nut
you stupid ass bitch
your not my fuckin mom
go on fuckin myspace
and complain to fuckin Tom
that stupid fuckin basturd
he runs a damn cult
I know I joined
but its not my fuckin fault
I was pressured
and it fuckin sucks
so fuck that fuckin shit
pay me a million fuckin bucks
to run your pointless fuckin life
and connect your fuckin friends
for you, my precious piece of shit
the world fuckin bends
Don't tell me not to swear
you'll lose that fuckin fight
I scream with all my fuckin might

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